Building Development History early phase
Rising up
April 24 2013
End Wall View from the side looking across ground level rooms Looking through the ground level rooms
Ground Floor meeting room Looking across the worship area Other meeting room
Floor of the worship area Meeting rooms at both ends, toilets in the middle, vestry just to the right
The architect discussing exactly how she wants the finish to look, going into minute detail
Even down to using a nail brush Shape of the external wall worship area View from the side
March Foundation Progress
March 23 2013
The view through the viewing window Foundations can now be clearly seen Worship area foundations
Jumping around in cement These will never be seen again, hopefully
Carefully protecting the foundations from the cold
The rain water harvester which will collect A good view of the shape of the church The foundations
most of the rainwater from the site and adjoining building
Groundworks setting out
February 23 2013
Snow has now cleared and a steady stream If you look carefully you can see the shape More topsoil being removed. The underlying chalk
of lorries remove excess soil to enable the of the worship area was of poor quality which meant the builder had to
foundations to be laid go down much further than was anticipated to get
good anchorage for the foundations
This picture shows the depth of the soil and Groundworks underway A long sheet of black protective covering
chalk removed. Blue markers indicate where covers a piece of the foundations from the old church
foundations and shape of building will be which were left in place under the new church
Another view of the foundations A view showing the scale of the foundations Consultants and builders discussing the weather
using the digger as a guide
Markers set out for the foundations Another marker
See the poor quality chalk
Ground-breaking Ceremony 24th January 2013
On Thursday 24th January 2013 our minister, Revd Vindra Maraj-Ogden, and the majority of the team involved in the building of our new church gathered on a cold snow covered day to break the ground for the first stages of the building. Francesca Weal our architect, Tony Silver Quantity surveyor and the builders met at 10.30 am Whilst it was cold somehow no one seemed to mind. Every one was in such a happy frame of mind and there was a real feeling of God’s presence and team spirit.
We positioned Vindra in the very place the new worship area will be.
The digger first moved some snow away to enable Vindra to put the first spade into the ground. This was followed by a short dedication service as there is no actual official ceremony. This was very appreciated by all the team present.
This was then followed up with some lovely really happy photos of Vindra, colour co-ordinated of course, having some fun with the digger. Thankfully she did not drive it!
Vindra and Tony Silver, quantity surveyor Discussions just before the ground-breaking
with consultants in the background
Vindra in the exact place where the new worship area will be Colour co-ordinated Angel of the South
The digger that started the ground-breaking Vindra climbing into the digger
Vindra having fun in the digger
Vindra and the project team Vindra and the consultants and builders
Prayers of dedication The very beginning
These pictures were taken from a blog on the building project which also includes pictures of the demolition of the previous church which stood on the site
Vindra officially breaking the ground of the new church