
Sunday Service Times:

Our usual Sunday service time is :

10:30 am every week 

Details are advertised in the Calendar

We are posting our weekly worship resources  and sermon recordings online

For news of live stream worship online
find us on Facebook
or view recordings of our services on YouTube here 


This church welcomes families with children

We have a crèche area available at the back of the church during the service for parents with babies and young children.

All Age worship:
There are regular all age worship services which are suitable for adults and children of all ages

Messy Church:
To find out when the next Messy Church is click here 



Our services are held in our church
at 270 Northridge Way on the corner of Northridge Way and Ashtree Way 

For a location map please click here

The nearest bus route is Arriva Bus route 3 whichstops at Chaulden Terrace on Long Chaulden and at Stoneycroft shops in Warners End Road.
This route does not now pass the church.

There is a car park at the church
and a drop off point and limited parking for those with mobility problems by the front entrance.
The entrances to the car park and to the drop off point are in Northridge Way.
If parking in local side streets please consider our neighbours and do not park on their grass verges.