Community Work

Charity Support

Charities which HHMC supports are many including

1.International appeals ie Christian Aid, Karibuni (supporting street children in Kenya) , IIMC (supporting mothers and children in India ) and Emergency Appeals.

2. National appeals ie Action for Children (formerly National Children’s Home), Macmillan Nurses, Crisis at Christmas, R.N.L.I. , Childline, Methodist Homes .

3. Local appeals ie Dacorum Emergency Night Shelter and Nascent House

In 2012 HHMC supported a town wide mission entitled Across Hemel. This was a week of fun and activities held to coincide with the start of the 2012 Olympic Games. Activities ran between 22nd-29th July.

Links: (The Methodist Church of Great Britain) (Childrens Charity) (Fairtrade) (Alpha Web Site) (All Saints web site) ( St Martha's web site) (Ley Hill web site)

Mission Work

Members of Hemel Hempstead Methodist Church support Methodist Home Missions and keep collection boxes in their homes. Funds from these boxes are collected together and sent off once a year in August.

We also raise money for DENS (Dacorum Emergency Night Shelter) which provides a Night Shelter in Hemel Hempstead for homeless people and a Day Centre at Bury Lodge, Queensway, Hemel Hempstead where homeless people can go for food and hot drinks shelter and support during the day.

We support Nascent House in Apsley which helps those who are having problems with drink and drugs, and we raise cash and supply boxes of food when the clients move into new accommodation.

Charities which HHMC supports are many and include:

Keech Children's Hospice

International appeals including Christian Aid, Karibuni (supporting street children in Kenya), IIMC (supporting mothers and children in India) individuals working for Wycliffe Bible Translators and Emergency Appeals.

National appeals including Action for Children (formerly National Children’s Home), Macmillan Nurses, Crisis at Christmas, R.N.L.I., Childline, Methodist Homes.

Local appeals including Dacorum Emergency Night Shelter and Nascent House.