
Oyster Club

The Oyster Club was created in April 2005 to fill a gap in the Hemel Hempstead Methodist Church’s outreach program. We currently have over forty members, consisting of both men and women with ages ranging from mid fifties to mid nineties and several with disabilities. We meet weekly at Hemel Hempstead Methodist Church. 

On alternate weeks we have a speaker to talk on a subject of their choice. We have been fortunate to enjoy a very broad spectrum of subjects. 

Our monthly devotional services have been a time for quiet reflection and praise, with the various leaders bringing their individuality to the services. 

Our Free and Easy meetings have seen a boom in knitting, whilst others make jigsaws, play board games or just chat to their neighbour. There is also usually a quiz to tax our brains. Over the year we have covered shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child, made table decorations to suit the seasons and made birthday and Christmas cards. 

We have a basic charge of £2.50* per meeting. A cup of tea or coffee and biscuits are served on arrival. We have currently suspended the door to door minibus service because the drop in numbers using it made the cost unaffordable.  The current program is available on the church notice board.

* Correct as at Autumn 2022 



Friday Friendship Club

This group has now ceased to meet formally but the members will keep in contact with each other and meet occasionally on an informal basis.

Friday Friendship Club had 15 members.

We used to meet every Friday afternoon at Belmont Road, Baptist Church 2.30 PM. We had a selection of speakers with various themes, sometimes ranging from re-cycling to religion.

In the summer we had outings, own afternoons, games or craft work. 

We supported a charity each year and at the close of the meeting we usually ended with an epilogue.

For the current dates and venues of these activities please seeCalendar