
Photos of some recent events are in the Photo Gallery
To see our Newsletter click here
For news of our online worship and other online activities
see our Facebook page 


Kintsugi Hope Wellbeing Group

Come and join us as we journey together for 12 weeks to explore how to maintain positive mental and emotional wellbeing in the midst of our busy lives.

Next group starts on
Friday 25th October  10 am 

To find out more click here 

To book email  

Saturday 9th November

Hemel Hempstead Methodist Church

Save the date for an evening event

More information available nearer the time

Please come for a warm welcome to
Community Coffee
Hot and cold drinks in a warm comfortable lounge
Range of activities
All Free
Mondays 10.00-12.30
Wednesdays 11.30-14.00

  soup and rolls served on Wednesdays
when there is no Community Lunch 
To find out more please click here 


7th August, 21st August

none in September

2nd October, 16th October, 30th October, 13th November, 

4th December, 18th December 

12 noon - 2.00 pm

  the Church will be open for café style home cooked lunches

Open to everyone.

To find out more please click here

Regular Events 

Sunday Worship 10.30 am every Sunday morning with a welcome and greeting at 10.15 am. Services take place in the church building with a congregation present and are live streamed on Facebook and recordings uploaded to  YouTube
Our Sunday services and this month's regular events are listed in the Calendar   

Messy Church meets on the second Sunday of every month during school term time.  Session is 3.45 - 5.00 pm
to find out more click here

Songs of Praise service once a quarter
to find out more click here

Dinner Church a relaxed social gathering aimed at those who might not fit into traditional church.  If you would like to join them please contact Revd Andrew Brazier 

Coffee Morning Saturday 10.00 am – 12 noon. An opportunity to get together; meets monthly  - see Calendar for details
to find out more click here

Wednesday Fellowship and Reflection  now meeting on the first and third Wednesday of the month 2.30 pm 
to find out more click here

Gretchen's House Group last Wednesday of the month 2.00 pm
to find out more click here

Wednesday Bible Study 8.00 pm on Zoom
For link contact Revd Andrew Brazier 

Oyster Club  every Thursday 10.30 am  A Christian Social Club with various speakers and activities and coffee/tea and biscuits  
to find out more click here

Thursday Fellowship every Thursday 7.15 pm
to find out more click here

To see information on recent past events please click here